Monday, July 30, 2018

Building this Space Force is something that is by far too soon of an subject that our military should be looking into. Trumps cabinet feeding into Trumps craziness has caused the government to build an armed space force but yet cannot get our government affairs into order. New your times hit the nail on the head when they stated that who is going to pay for the building of these bases in space and who is going to man them. Many questions that should have been addressed but yet has not. Making it worse the defense bill that should be used for real time events are being used for tasks that are way too far into the future. what is going on with the government. The article brought up more to attention, how are we as a nation going to keep the force neutral when many other nations are having issues land based. Issues america continue to have on a regular base-sis and can not fix. How are we as a whole going to keep the peace alive in space. I believe that we as an whole global nation need to come to an agreement to be able to be on equal terms. Terms that will allow everyone to explore the universe, come together and make the best effort to make space place for greatness and leave behind the pettiness that happens on an every day bases alone. In doing this, can change publics opionion.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Monday denied the Pennsylvania governments right to redistribute the lines that segregate its districts. Denying them keeps the districts in their original places and causes unfairness in the senate. Majority of the senate for this state is democratic and allowing this would cause a shift in power in the senate. This refusal to change this caused an uproar and this is an unruly judgement. The senate wanting to keep this as it is means that they want an unfairness in the senate, just for an political gain and unjust. These changes need to be made, not just in this state but in many other so that the government can be more just government. So that other incidents wont happen. according to the article Denied equality link the government believes it shouldn't change.

Building this  Space Force  is something that is by far too soon of an subject that our military should be looking into. Trumps cabinet feed...